Hexa | Deakin University
2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd 2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd

Hexa | Deakin University

The Living Bridge, located in Geelong, serves as a testament to imaginative, budget-conscious, and environmentally friendly design.

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Intersected Generations | Curtin University
2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd 2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd

Intersected Generations | Curtin University

“Intersected Generations” is a four-storey mixed-use residential complex located at an entry point of Curtin University that specialises in multigenerational and student accommodation. It benefits from modular construction due to the dynamism of the site and the time-saving aspects associated with prefabricated buildings.

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4GE | Curtin University
2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd 2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd

4GE | Curtin University

Bentley Terrace seeks to meet the future demand for family apartment complexes, enabling multigenerational living and still catering to smaller groups and students to create a diverse housing that can be reconfigured for future demands.

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BPJS Design & Construct. | Curtin University
2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd 2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd

BPJS Design & Construct. | Curtin University

The University Boulevard Block Build Complex proposes a rich, intergenerational precinct where an existing student interface can closely interact with multi-generational families, diverse communities, and flexible, open housing.

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Bunya | Curtin University
2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd 2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd

Bunya | Curtin University

There is increasing demand for the affordable housing sector, where multiple age groups of people and diverse family compositions stay together in Perth.

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Stage | Deakin University
2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd 2024 Groundstation Pty Ltd

Stage | Deakin University

The "Intergenerational Hub - The Stage" introduces a multifunctional, self-

sustaining space that transitions through various experiences, symbolized by a reflecting water element.

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