Join Australia’s prefab community today

PrefabAUS brings together and advocates for the Australian smart building community.

Prefab stands for prefabrication and is also known as offsite construction, prefabricated construction, offsite manufacturing, modern methods of construction (MMC) and most recently, smart building.

Smart building encompasses everything from fully-complete (modular) buildings through to parts such as wall frames, roof trusses, insulated wall panels, building services pods (bathroom), 3D printing and modular construction.

PrefabAUS is inclusive of all approaches and works to advocate for and promote the entire industry.

prefabAUS strives to:

Ensure prefabrication is considered at the time of conceptual development and project planning, especially by state and federal governments for large-scale developments.

Have prefab considerations included in construction codes, standards writing and planning laws.

Give our members access to knowledge growth and the latest industry developments, being technical, market or other.

Join us

If you want to have a voice on the direction of the industry, connect with your peers and learn about the latest market opportunities and technological advancements – speak to us about joining today.

We have over 400 members nationwide. We welcome members including:

  • Manufacturers

  • End-to-end modular builders

  • Digital designers

  • Suppliers

  • Architects

  • Engineers

  • Modular building system developers

  • Logistics

  • Academics and Educational bodies

  • Technical consultants

  • Project managers

  • Builders

  • Developers

  • Governmental bodies

  • 3D printers

  • Associations

prefabAUS membership benefits

  • Access to local and international study/site tours

  • Discounted access to focus forums and networking events nationwide

  • Networking opportunities

  • Members-only roundtable, workshop and webinar invitations

  • Discounted registration to our annual conference: Offsite

  • Members-only biannual newsletter ‘Offsite news’

  • Access to members-only area on our website for resources

    Most importantly, we provide a strong voice on the issues that affect you.

Membership Fees

Membership Category TIER 1 TIER 2 TIER 3 Individual Student
Company Annual T/O Equal/Over $20m
Company Annual T/O Under $20m
Association & Education
Sole traders
Full time students only may apply
Fees $3000 $990 $690 $590 $50
Members allowance 30 15 10 1 1
Member Inclusions
Discounted Member Rates
As a member you can enjoy significant member discounts on all our events throughout the year, including our annual conference. At the beginning of these events prefabAUS invite members only to have exclusive time with our team, to share their thoughts, concerns queries and debate the relevant advocacy on how to move the smart build forward
Monthly Industry snapshot
Bi annual Offsite news
We have a Bi annual Newsletter where we also feature new members amongst the news. We encourage new members to provide us with content and images to feature in this. (NB: If collateral is not received by the deadline provided we cannot guarantee inclusion)
Member Directory listing By request
We have a fantastic member directory on our website where you can feature yourselves. You should think of it as an extension of your own website and provide us with amazing pics and info that your potential clients would need to see. We have on average over 2000 hits to our website a month, so it is a great showcase for your business to present to potential new clients. We can provide your company with annual analytics on this item. Click here to see the Members Directory.
Opportunity to upload video to member directory
Acess to ACIF dashboard
Access to member resources
Rolling banner image on
If you select a Company membership, then you are eligible to purchase a rolling banner to further increase your exposure with us. This banner is placed on the Home page of our website. We can provide your company with annual analytics on this item. Click here to see the rolling banner in action.
Voting rights at AGM
prefabAUS board and particularly our Executive Chair, bring a vast network of connections to new projects which can often result in exclusive Expression's of Interest for members only.
Advocacy round tables by invitation by invitation by invitation
The greatest reason to be a member of prefabAUS lays in our committed advocacy to Government. In recent years we have been instrumental across the states with many governmental bodies and continue to grow our network. As members you have the ear of prefabAUS.
Access to webinars & past recordings
Download Member Inclusions PDF Download Download Download Download Download

Membership Types

TIER 1 : Company Annual T/O Equal/Over $20m

Fees: $3000

Members Allowance: 30

Member Inclusions: Discounted Member Rates, Monthly Industry snapshot, Bi-annual Offsite news, Member Directory listing, Opportunity to upload video to member directory, Access to ACIF dashboard, Access to member resources, Rolling banner image on, Voting rights at AGM, EOI, Advocacy round tables (by invitation), Access to webinars & past recordings.

Apply Now

TIER 2 : Company Annual T/O Under $20m

Fees: $990

Members Allowance: 15

Member Inclusions: Discounted Member Rates, Monthly Industry snapshot, Bi-annual Offsite news, Member Directory listing, Opportunity to upload video to member directory, Access to ACIF dashboard, Access to member resources, Voting rights at AGM, EOI, Advocacy round tables (by invitation), Access to webinars & past recordings.

Apply Now

TIER 3 : Association & Education

Fees: $690

Members Allowance: 10

Member Inclusions: Discounted Member Rates, Monthly Industry snapshot, Bi-annual Offsite news, Member Directory listing, Opportunity to upload video to member directory, Access to ACIF dashboard, Access to member resources, Voting rights at AGM, EOI, Advocacy round tables (by invitation), Access to webinars & past recordings.

Apply Now


Fees: $590

Members Allowance: 1

Member Inclusions: Discounted Member Rates, Monthly Industry snapshot, Bi-annual Offsite news, Member Directory listing (by request), Access to ACIF dashboard, Access to member resources, EOI, Voting rights at AGM, Access to webinars & past recordings.

Apply Now


Fees: $50

Members Allowance: 1

Member Inclusions: Discounted Member Rates, Monthly Industry snapshot, Bi-annual Offsite news, Access to member resources, Access to webinars & past recordings.

Apply Now

We are currently changing our member platform and are unable to process new memberships directly online.

If you would like to become a member, please email and your membership will be processed manually.