Nick Travers
Nick is driven to innovate and meet challenges head on. Nick thrives on the complexity of the architect’s role, and is stimulated by a thorough discourse around the philosophical and practical elements of his discipline. Through sharp examination he decisively pushes Technē to reach the highest possible level for his team, partners, and clients.
In his role as Technē director, Nick knows the best design occurs when ideas are challenged and shaped collaboratively. Over Technē’s 15 years, this belief has formed the cornerstone of the studio’s culture and is evident in each project.
The emotional content and high technical ability of great musicians, and the experience of live theatre provide inspiration for Nick’s work. The disruptive nature of technology and the beauty of flowing form making that is found in automotive design are a personal passion. This convergence of the real and digital world fascinates him as the major agents of current technological advancement.
Nick gained experience from Melbourne to Berlin before founding Technē with Justin. His starting point for projects is free hand drawings that give form to his thoughts, functioning as a source of inspiration. This unguarded approach is balanced with a pragmatic attention to detail that promises each moment in a project timeline is handled with dedication.