Chris Knierim

Chris Knierim is a multi-faceted industry leader serving as the CEO of the Building Designers Association of Australia (BDAA).

In addition to this pivotal role, Chris Chairs the Australian Design Alliance (AdA), is the board secretary of the Museum of Understanding Through Tollerance & Inclusion (MUTTI), is also a board member of the Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF), and contributes to a variety of government committees, including the Steering Committee with the NSW Building Commissioner and the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB).

As an international award-winning designer and builder, Chris boasts an illustrious career decorated with over 50 industry awards. His extensive experience spans across the globe, where he has been involved in a wide array of specialist projects. Chris' expertise has not only been recognized by the industry but has also captured the attention of the media. His work has been showcased on internationally-broadcast TV shows like Grand Designs Australia, and he serves as a feature writer for Grand Designs magazin

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David Lansdell


Leah Lang