Scott Hearne

Director - Integration and Innovation, Sensum and Adviser to Homes NSW

Scott Hearne is the Director - Integration and Innovation, Sensum and MMC Strategic Advisor at Homes NSW. He is providing program leadership, strategy development, industry and stakeholder support to accelerate the adoption of modern methods of construction to deliver more social, affordable and key worker homes.

A well-known and friendly face in the sector from his countless roles facilitating sessions and panels. Scott is always up for chat and a laugh and dedicates his time to mentoring emerging professionals and leaders.

Scott is a seasoned leader with deep expertise in strategy design and delivery in government, consulting, construction and infrastructure sectors. Scott is most known for his ability to foster collaboration between diverse teams and organisations to build understanding and promote innovation in the adoption, growth and sustainability of the construction industry using MMC.

Also as Director Integration & Innovation at Sensum Group, he leads the project advisory arm specialising in the strategy, planning and delivery of projects using Modern Methods of Construction

Groundstation Pty Ltd

GroundStation is  a website management company, solving website problems for business owners and allowing them to focus on what they do best.

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Terry Tsapaliaris