Cameron Kaufman

Cameron is a compelling thought leader, equipped with a diverse skill set honed through extensive work and travel across the globe. Fluent in five languages, and renowned for her personable approach, she excels in building relationships that pave the way for transformative outcomes.

With a Masters in Environment from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor's in International Relations & Economics from Tufts University, Cameron’s academic background compliments her corporate experience in asset management, communications, non-profit, clean energy investment, and energy to deliver transformative solutions for clients.

As a Circular Economy Specialist at Coreo, Cameron drives innovation in projects, methodologies, and organisational capabilities through systems-based analysis, networked governance, and circular projects with compounding benefits. She works across all key economic sectors but has specialisation in mining and metals and the built environment.

Groundstation Pty Ltd

GroundStation is  a website management company, solving website problems for business owners and allowing them to focus on what they do best.

Paul Kremer


Lisa Kuiri