prefabAUS Introduction at Modular Conference
By Valerie Lyon 14.08.13, prefabAUS member.
There isn’t an Australian who, individually, would not embrace all that is needed to increase Australian productivity and encourage our immense creativity.
Governments and unions have a large impact on Australian construction and fabrication, for better and for worse. It is essential in advancing Australia capabilities to align these influences. prefabAUSpresented to the IQPC conference an opportunity to have a voice in what the future holds for Australian building fabrication.
The International Quality and Productivity Centre (‘IQPC’) 2013 Modular Construction & Prefabrication Summit in July 2013 made a step change from its regular cool stuff to mind blowing achievements in prefabrication. Attendees were able to compare our current comfort zone(s) in modularisation in multi-billion dollar projects, to leading edge fabrication techniques and the not too distant prefabrication of entire cities.
It is valuable to understand the new developments in Australian construction and fabrication; those we saw at the IQPC conference are extremely promising. Keeping up with the high speed of developments in our region will be a great challenge. Australia is well positioned to join an exciting future in leading edge construction and prefabrication. We must support our emerging industries, or watch competitors pass us by, leaving our work force and economy well behind.
prefabAUS is an opportunity to join those advancing Australia.