prefabAUS goes to Germany
By Jan Gyrn 19.09.13, prefabAUS member.
In August this year, Jan Gyrn of Modscape visited the Fertighaus exhibition in Munich, Germany. Fertighaus exhibition literally translates to ‘prefab house exhibition’, but we have more appropriately labelled it ‘Prefab World’. The exhibition is part of a series of display villages spread throughout Germany that are all solely dedicated to prefabricated housing providers.
The Munich village is the largest in Europe, with 58 different prefabricated housing companies displaying a completed home in one location. Visitors and potential home buyers have the opportunity to view a wide variety of prefabricated homes, and also have access to designers and representatives from each supplier. In addition to the display companies there is a large technology pavilion which is devoted to sustainability and design innovation.
Nowhere else in the world can you visit and compare such a vast selection of prefabricated homes in one location, and while the likelihood of such an event taking place in Australia seems a long way off, the Fertighaus exhibition is enough to give the Australian prefabricated market an inspirational insight into the future of sustainable design.